Wednesday, December 12, 2018

I completely agree with the message of Javonnie’s 2018 blog post ‘Should Birth Control Be Free Preventative Care?’ Birth control being covered would be more of a win for everyone involved, the only sacrifice would be lightening wallets that are already heavy. It’s sad and true that people aren’t valued as much as money is. This appears to be a growing problem in a number of ways. It’s known that global warming can easily be making progress if only a small group of 100 known companies found alternative practices. But those rich 100 people don’t care about people they care for their wallet. In another sphere, many of the people in office right now are anti-abortion and also anti-free healthcare. Reality is many people cannot afford having a child (and some of these people also didn’t choose to have sex which resulted in pregnancy). Taking away abortion is an inhumane thing to do-taking away a women's autonomy is wrong.
The NRA is very very wealthy and they’ve got their money pouring into politicians pockets, which is why the USA will probably continue to see violence such as school shootings; kids will keep being violently killed in the ‘‘land of dreams’’ because those in power are getting paid too well to care.  Do you ever wonder why Cigarettes are still being sold, even though it’s widely known how horrible they are for human health? There are absolutely no benefits to smoking cigarettes, but the Tobacco Companies are so incredibly powerful it doesn’t seem to matter.
Its very clear that too much money in the wrong pockets is a dangerous thing for many people. We live in a world in which many are convinced they have no power without a great amount of wealth, they forget that there is power in numbers and the great majority of people can undoubtedly fight against wealthy powerhouses and be victorious.
I think it comes down to this: if the people in power aren’t valuing you (as a human-being), value yourself and fight in anyway you can. Birth control should be free, and it’s 100% a possibility and unfortunately it’s one of the many needs people don’t yet have access to.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Are Women Just Crazy Liars?

I chose this particular topic because lately I keep hearing guys voicing a concern in reference to this and I’d like to address it. This comment usually goes along the lines of, “it makes me afraid to be successful because someone who doesn’t like me just has to accuse me of rape.” I worry the people around me have this view on the matter, because as ridiculous as this concern is, it appears much more common than it should be. The sad truth is that rape victims hardly receive due justice, and people who rape aren't likely to be impacted.
Firstly, women for centuries have been second to men, and undeniably haven’t been taken as seriously. This is everso evident in cases of sexual assault and rape. Women are greatly more likely to be the victim of such crimes and not only that but these crimes are incredibly common. There are many reasons women don’t come forth about their rape or sexual assault. Only recently have the tides begun to change; people are starting to realize rape, and sexual assault are serious problems that aren’t the victims fault. Women who come forth about such abuse are called liars and people grasp for reasons as to why they’re being deceitful. The reality is, there has long been a stigma behind coming out as a victim of such crimes even with evidence in hand to back it up. When a woman is brave enough to begin the discussion the attention of the topic shifts, and moves in a completely inappropriate and often embarrassing direction. This is a huge part of why the #metoo movement has come to fruition. It's not a joke or some lady scam. It’s a way of telling women or any victim of such acts, that its okay to come forth and you aren’t the only one.   
Abuse of power is not uncommon and it’s wonderful to see people standing up and calling it out. Calling out someone’s abuse of power/privilege isn't an ugly tactic, but a valid point in many cases. Unsurprisingly, in Trump's America, justice in such a case isn’t seen through. Mr.GrabHerByThePussy is running our country. The article I’m using is by Haley Sweetland Edwards titled,”The Kavanaugh hearing Showed Why the Myth Of Nice Girls and Tough Guys Persists”, it goes into the gender roles people have long been pressured to fulfill and how both Ford and Kavanaugh both perfectly demonstrated these roles. It's very telling because the date of the alleged rape would have been roughly in the early 1980’s. It’s almost 2019 and many dire issues are only now being widely acknowledged, not accepted. The pressure women have long felt to be accommodating; caving into pleasing everyone even if it results in a lifetime of suffering needs to end. Sexual assault victims are not always women but it greatly skews that way, and it’s not a surprising statistic. We need not behave as if it’s more likely that women are deceitful villains, than victims of horrific acts.

People who have this fear of success because someone might falsely accuse them, are either completely uneducated on the subject at hand or have a strong need to make everything about themselves. I implore any person to listen, and really step into the other person's shoes when discussing an issue that doesn’t affect you as much; if you aren’t in demographic that has a daily struggle or has to go about their lives jumping through hoops due to a certain issue, then listen very carefully to those that do especially if you find yourself disagreeing. So, men, when talking about rape, please be a lot more open and thoughtful than you normally would, especially if you tend to not believe the women who come forth.

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