Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Freed For the Love of Weed

I agree with Anna Flores in her 2018 blog post that for numerous reasons, a major one being health, Marijuana should be legalized. Something that I’d like to add to this topic is the important issue of those jailed for Marijuana charges. This demographic also skews black, unsurprisingly. Not because more black people smoke, but because the resources to punish every person caught, was not available so law enforcement had to be more selective. I agree weed should be legalized, but with that we ought to be diligent when it comes to getting those jailed for it -within reason- freed.
If it’s decided that marijuana is not a bad/harmful substance by lawmakers then those jailed for it even when it was illegal should have their sentences lifted. It is not as if when weed is legalized that the substance and its effects drastically change; it’s only that lawmakers changed their minds. People don’t deserve to be criminalized over something such as non-violent Pot related charges, especially if it becomes legal.
It is very bizarre to think that Tobacco/cigarettes are totally legal even though it is widely known how much of a killer it is. Versus Weed, which appears to do more good than harm. Supposedly, given how insanely rich tobacco companies are it gets less bizarre, and a bit more revealing of this society. Personally, I believe in several years, at least, Marijuana will likely become legal nationwide. Tobacco on the other-hand may take longer.
The health benefits of marijuana is something of worthwhile weight to be considered, but as should the recreational aspect of the drug as well. If people get to keep cigarettes for their aesthetic purposes and no health benefits, then it is hard see why Pot cannot be legal. Most importantly, when Marijuana gets legalized it is important not to forget those who were thrown into prison for it. Since, America won’t necessarily free people of their sentences, because of a law change, it’s important that those who are free try to help those in need. It seems some states are on the right track and are creating laws to ensure these people’s rights. It is important that as a country we stay on this track, and keep an eye out for states that legalize in the future, and what they do with those who had been criminalized for it.  

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Friday, November 9, 2018

Is Taylor Swift Singled-Handedly Saving America?


The Midterm Elections recently finished and an article that sort of spiked some interest for me was titled, “midterm elections 2018: Do Celebrities Really Influence Voters?” by Taylor-Dior Rumble, and Ian Youngs. Im fascinated by the media. I love movies, television, social media platforms and music. I love looking into when/how/why these things impact the societal psyche. Yes, Government and Politics impact this stuff too, but movies and even youtube videos or vines are the more ‘fun’ portion (for me).
In this article Rumble and Youngs look over the recent past of celebrities getting involved in politics, i.e. Kanye along with referencing a couple of studies surrounding voters and celebrity endorsement. It was concluded that family and friends are much more likely to have an impact than ones favorite celebrity. In my mind, that makes perfect sense given that as humans we have a need to belong, and typically that need isn’t satisfied through a celebrity crush. Not only that, but celebrities aren’t often people to people, they’re an image/ideal. Celebrities exist in people’s lives to entertain them. Family and friends are the foundation of ones life, and will commonly share the same core values, which are what impact one’s political outlook.
The article references Taylor Swifts failed political endorsement and Beyonce’s. (Although, i don't think Beyonce's was a failure, personally. BETO 2020). It was also noted that Taylor got more young people to register for voting, which this article predicted will impact the 2020 election. I think it’s possible celebrity endorsement is impactful, but I think more dire things will impact the polls come 2020.


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